Christ Church Values

What we value helps guide us as a community.

We pray for change.

God can change any situation.

God will change us.

With God, through prayer, we will see change.

We welcome all.

People matter.

We want them to know they matter.

We don't just want to know they're here. We want to know them.

We are shaped by God's Word.

God's story is relevant.

God's story transforms us.

We choose to be conformed to it rather than conforming it to our purposes.

We invest in future generations.

God deserves honor in every generation.

God is honored when we strengthen His community.

God is (also) honored when we equip the next generation to serve and worship Him.

We act for impact.

Talking brings understanding.

Planning brings focus.

Action is what gets things done.

We serve others.

God has come near to meet our every need.

We will come alongside others to lift them up.

We will be contributors, not consumers.

We seek God's truth through our diversity.

God's truth unites us.

Our diversity won't divide us.

Our diversity gives us the perspective to understand things together that are too big for any of us to understand alone.