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The Discipleship Pathway

At Christ Church, we believe that spiritual formation is essential! But we also recognize that knowing where to get started can take a lot of work. We have designed a clear map to help with your spiritual growth. The discipleship pathway is a series of precise steps you can take to help you grow in your faith.

Step 1: Attend a Service

Worship is such a foundational part of our Christian formation. Join us for a service on Sunday at 9am or 10:30am, in-person or online.

Step 2: Get Rooted

Whether you are new to faith or returning to church, Rooted is a great space to learn what it means to follow Jesus.

Rooted is a 10-week small-group study that follows a specific curriculum to connect with God, the church, and your purpose. This study will answer some of life's biggest questions, like:

  • Who is God?
  • Where is God when hard things happen?
  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What does God think about money?

Fall 2024 Rooted group:

  • Sundays - 8:45 am: meets in the Care Center at Christ Church

Step 3: Covenant Partnership

Covenant Partners are members of Christ Church. They've committed to calling Christ Church their spiritual home and to the church's mission, vision, and values.

Contact Pastor Vann Trapp (Senior Pastor) or Pastor Cheryl Lavornia (Pastor of Discipleship & Strategic Ministry Development) to learn more about becoming a covenant partner.

Step 4: Get Connected

We don't grow in our faith just on our own. Our Community Connection groups, called C-3 groups, are a great place to build relationships with people at the church.

Groups meet weekly, bi-weekly, in homes, and virtually in 10-week cycles.

Fall 2024 Community Connection groups:

  • Mondays - 7pm: meets online via Zoom
  • Tuesdays - 6:30pm: meets in Warwick (Potowomut)
  • Fridays - 10am: Alpha - 11-Week Series: Introduction to Christianity - meets in the Connection Cafe
  • 2nd and 4th Saturdays - 6:30pm: meets in North Kingstown
  • Sundays - 12pm: hymns in the Chapel

Step 5: Keep Growing

Our Christian Growth groups, called C-2 groups, go deeper into God's word. Group discussions include particular books or topics of the Bible and meet weekly for mutual support and encouragement. Many groups are targeted to a specific age group, gender or stage of life.

Ongoing Christian Growth groups:

All groups are in-person except where noted.

  • Mondays - 10am: "Amazing Grays"
  • Tuesdays - 6am: men's group
  • Wednesdays - 10am: "Discovery Bible" women's group
  • Wednesdays - 7pm: open to all
  • Thursdays - 1pm: men's group
  • Fridays - 6am: men's group **
  • Saturdays - 7:30am: men's group


** In-person & Virtual

5-Fold Deeper Dive Sessions:

Are you ready to discover how God has uniquely designed you? Whether you’ve completed the 5fold survey or are just starting your journey, this is your chance to dive deeper! Choose the seminars that resonate with your survey results, sign up, and participate. You'll gain insights into how you are designed, discern what God is calling you to, and learn how to follow Him into your purpose!

If you haven’t already, take the Five Fold Test to find out which streams resonate with you. To start the test and submit your top two results, click here.

Upcoming Sessions:

  • Apostle: Wednesday, 9/18, 6:30 PM in the Chapel
  • Evangelist: Wednesday, 10/2, 6:30 PM in the Chapel
  • Pastor: Wednesday, 10/16, 6:30 PM in the Chapel
  • Teacher: Wednesday, 10/30, 6:30 PM in the Chapel
  • Prophet: Wednesday, 11/6, 6:30 PM in the Chapel

Step 6: Begin Serving

God has gifted and equipped us uniquely to serve the church and help it fulfill its mission. An essential part of our spiritual growth happens when we use the gifts He has given us.

Step 7: Leadership Track

God has equipped each of us for His mission, but there are some of us that he calls into leadership. Find out more about our leadership track by contacting Pastor Cheryl Lavornia.

Step 8: ID Group

The ID group is a year-long discipleship cohort. Contact Pastor Cheryl Lavornia for more information.

Step 9: Invest & Re-Invest

As God grows us, we often find that there is more for us to learn about ourselves.