Our Partners

Find out more about our mission partners:
- Covenant Church Serve Globally (Grant + Miho, Japan)
- Intervarsity (United States)
- Merge Ministries (Esau + Heather, South America)
- Serving Our Neighbor International (Todd + Ann, Tanzania)
- Streams of Living Water (Middle East / North Africa)
- Team Healthcare (Dan + Julie, Mali)
If you wish to support our missionaries, one way is to partner with them in prayer:
Short term mission trips
Our church has sent teams and individuals to 32 different countries, including Tanzania, South Sudan, Egypt, Thailand, Myanmar, Alaska, Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, and Moldova. Due to the pandemic, we have also made some virtual mission trips to Tanzania and India.
For more information, contact the leader of our World Missions Team, Pat.